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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Ivy Sam 10 Oct 2009 - 20:26

Jaz Parks
Tome 1 : Jaz Parks s'en mord les doigts
de Jennifer Rardin

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Résumé :

Je m'appelle Jaz Parks. Mon patron, Vayl, est né en 1744 en Roumanie, où il est... mort. Entre les mains de son épouse, qui plus est. Une vampire. Mais c'est de l'histoire ancienne. Pour l'heure, Vayl travaille à la CIA, où il exerce son plus grand talent... celui d'assassin. Moi ? Je l'aide. Évitez de me traiter d'assistante, ou je vous en colle une. Vayl et moi devons éliminer un chirurgien esthétique de Miami lié au terrorisme. Mais notre mission se complique lorsqu'on découvre qu'il est de mèche avec un salopard aux pouvoirs surnaturels capables de mettre l'Amérique à genoux...

Éditeur : Milady  
Date de parution : Septembre 2008  
Prix : 8 €

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Notes des membres :
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image] : Sola
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image] : Ivy
[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image] : Azarea

Dernière édition par Ivy le Lun 18 Juin 2018 - 12:28, édité 6 fois
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Féminin Messages : 23450
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Normandie, 76
Humeur : Joyeuse et positive :)

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Ven 30 Oct 2009 - 20:10

Oh oui, oh oui, oh oui, ... Super Jaz !!!

Merci à toi Ivy de me l'avoir conseillé... Sinon je ne crois pas que je l'aurais acheté, mais maintenant, je suis accro... A quand le volume 3... Vite, Vite....


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Ivy Ven 30 Oct 2009 - 21:39

De rien Vi2 ça me fait plaisir de vous faire découvrir des livres que j'aime sourire
Moi aussi je l'adore notre petite Jaz lovely
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Féminin Messages : 23450
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Normandie, 76
Humeur : Joyeuse et positive :)

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Sélène Ven 30 Oct 2009 - 22:49

Bah moi, il ne me dit rien...
Va falloir me convaincre Ivy!! lol

Féminin Messages : 9810
Date d'inscription : 09/10/2009
Age : 38

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Sam 31 Oct 2009 - 16:45

Tu passe vraiment à côté de quelque chose de chouette Sélène. Ils sont vraiment bien tu sais... Je ne parviens pas à accrocher avec Anita Blake, mais Jaz, elle est chouette et VAYYYYYLLLL [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Sélène Sam 31 Oct 2009 - 18:08

Ah bah alors, si c'est si bien que ça... je vais peut être essayer!! ;)

Féminin Messages : 9810
Date d'inscription : 09/10/2009
Age : 38

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Ivy Sam 31 Oct 2009 - 19:27

J'adore Jaz Parks. Toutefois le tome 1 fait très brouillon. Le 2ème est bien mieux. Personnellement si on accroche pas au premier tome je conseil de pousser jusqu'au 2ème tome qui est largement au dessus au niveau de l'histoire et de l'ecriture de l'auteur.

Y'a quand même un truc qui m'a dérangé dans le tome 1 : c'est lé méchant de l'histoire, j'ai oublié son nom. Encore un terroriste arabe. Ils sont vraiment relou les américains avec ça...ça m'a saoulé en plus de l'ecriture brouillon de l'auteur. Mais ça reste quand même un bon livre pour moi grâce à Jaz qui nous tiens malgrés les défauts du livres. C'est un très bon personnage, je la préfère à Anita Blake au niveau de sa personnalité. Bon et oui bien sur il y a VAYL bave

Bon là je me rend compte que ce que je viens de dire ne donne pas du tout envie de lire le livre bien que je l'ais aimé :lol!:
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Féminin Messages : 23450
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Normandie, 76
Humeur : Joyeuse et positive :)

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Sélène Sam 31 Oct 2009 - 19:31

En effet je confirme... Je ne veux plus le lire!!! rire

Féminin Messages : 9810
Date d'inscription : 09/10/2009
Age : 38

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Ivy Sam 31 Oct 2009 - 19:33

Je m'y attendais, mais bon c'est mon ressenti, je vais pas mentir rire
ça m'a pas empêché d'aimer le reste sourire
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Admin fondateur

Féminin Messages : 23450
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Normandie, 76
Humeur : Joyeuse et positive :)

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Dim 1 Nov 2009 - 17:58

Le tome 1 n'est qu'une mise en bouche... Le tome 2 déchire... Je ne peux plus m'en passer...

J'espère que le trois est encore mieux... Je l'attend de pieds ferme... [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Ivy Sam 7 Nov 2009 - 21:07

Critique spychovision :

Son nom est Jaz Parks. Jasmine Parks dite Jaz ou Jazzie pour les intimes. Retenez bien son nom car vous n'avez très certainement pas fini d'en entendre parler ! Jaz Parks travaille pour la CIA, dans une section très spéciale, avec pour mission de trucider tous les sales types qui mettent des bâtons dans les roues du gouvernement et de la société. Serial Killer, pédophiles, politiciens véreux ou mafieusots, s'ils ont un contrat sur la tête, s'en est finit pour eux. Jaz est une tueuse, et une pro. Ancienne chasseuse de vampires, elle travaille désormais pour la CIA où est elle connue pour ses missions casse-cou et son côté tête brulée. Jaz n'a peur de rien et défie la mort à longueur de journée, et ce encore plus lors de ses fréquents moments de "Black out" dont elle ressort sans souvenirs. Jaz est une trompe la mort, certes, mais n'aurait-elle donc plus rien à perdre pour se conduire ainsi à tout juste 25 ans ? Est-elle à ce point désespérée ? Et jusqu'où va-t-elle aller si on ne met pas un frein à ses débordements ? Il semblerait qu'elle mérite un brin de surveillance, pour veiller à sa sureté ainsi qu'à celle des autres, et Peter, son patron, va donc l'assigner comme coéquipière - ou plutôt assistante sur le papier - de Vayl un étrange et bien mystérieux vampire.

Oui, un Vampire. Car le monde de Jaz Parks est peuplé de Vampires. Il y a les bons vampires, ceux qui ont décidé de se mettre du côté des humains et qui ne les considèrent pas comme des garde-manger, des mauvais vampires belliqueux et des vampires chasseurs de Vampires, comme Vayl. Vous me suivez ? Alors quand un gigantesque complot va éclater, la menace d'un terrible virus lâché par les vampires sur la population, le tout orchestré par Le Rapace, un criminel de la pire espèce demeuré insaisissable, la collaboration entre Jaz et Vayl va faire des étincelles. Jaz est une Sensitive, c'est-à -dire qu'elle possède le don de flairer les Vampires et de les repérer. Mais pourquoi Vayl a-t-il tenu à travailler absolument avec la jeune femme, quel lien existe-t-il entre eux ? La question mérite d'être posée et même creusée...

En commençant Jaz Parks, vous pénétrez dans un petit livre bourré d'action, peuplé de vampires et autres créatures étranges (même si l'accent est très fortement mis sur les Vampires) et vous faîtes la connaissance de personnages hauts en couleurs. Entre Jaz l'athlétique agent de la CIA à la langue bien pendue et le taciturne Vayl, vous avez déjà deux personnages sacrément sympathiques ! Les réparties font mouches et le côté "bourrin" et reine de la castagne de l'héroïne a un charme indéniable. Pas de temps mort dans cet ouvrage, les questions et les révélations s'enchaînent, les rapports entre les personnages se creusent et s'affermissent, jouant très légèrement la note de l'intrigue amoureuse, mais seulement par petites touches à peine esquissées. Jaz Parks n'est pas franchement une héroïne fleur-bleu, l'amour elle a déjà donné et ca fait bien plus mal que les coups... Même si elle n'est tout de même pas complètement insensible à le gente masculine et notamment au charme magnétique et glacial de Vayl le beau vampire...

Franchement, si vous voulez de l'action, du divertissement et de la castagne menée tambour battant par une héroïne sexy et n'ayant pas la langue dans sa poche, si vous aimez les romans mettant en scène des vampires et le style de la Bit-lit en général, le tout pas du tout porté sur la romance et les futiles considérations vestimentaires, Jaz Parks est fait pour vous ! Ce n'est pas le roman du siècle et il possède quand même pas mal de faiblesses, mais il vous fera passer un bon moment de divertissement et est assez prenant pour que vous le dévoriez en moins de deux. En toute franchise, j'avais quelques réticences envers cette série mais j'avoue avoir été séduite par ce roman punchy et divertissant, assez accrocheur pour nous donner très facilement envie de lire la suite des aventures de Jaz. Un livre à la couverture pas forcément transcendante mais qui se révèle vraiment très sympathique.

Note : 7/10

source : [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
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Féminin Messages : 23450
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Normandie, 76
Humeur : Joyeuse et positive :)

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Sam 7 Nov 2009 - 21:09

Suis assez d'accord avec l'avis, pour le tome 1... par contre la note doit s'élevée pour le tome 2.


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Sam 28 Nov 2009 - 15:49

Quand j'ai voulu acheter les deux premiers tomes, ils étaient plus en rayon... Bwah!! pleure


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Ivy Sam 28 Nov 2009 - 16:03

Il y a longtemps qu'ils sont sortient. La bit-lit se vend comme des petits pains, le stock est peut-être epuisé...pour le tome 1 d'Anita Blake, Milady a du refaire une édition parce que tout les livres etaient parti....mais sur des sites comme Amazon par exemple on les trouvent sans problèmes je pense.
Enfin moi perso je préfère acheter mes livres en magasin sourire
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Admin fondateur

Féminin Messages : 23450
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Normandie, 76
Humeur : Joyeuse et positive :)

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Dim 29 Nov 2009 - 10:53

Moi j'adore Amazon car avec la vie que je mène entre boulot, enfants, prépas, maison, forum et lecture, je n'ai pas beaucoup de temps, mais c'est vrai que c'est chouette de pouvoir toucher les livres et de les voir 'en vrai' avant de les acheter. Mais Amazon est pratique et service rapide en plus !

Quant à Jazz, quand Vi² m'as présenté les deux premiers tomes, je n'étais pas tentée non plus... Un jour, je les lirai peut-être (quand je n'aurais plus rien à lire, hum hum....) mais pour l'instant, je suis comme Sélène ! sourire


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Dim 29 Nov 2009 - 11:23

Pas de souci, ils sont au chaud, dans la bibliothèque !!


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Dim 29 Nov 2009 - 13:42

ClicVi² a écrit:Pas de souci, ils sont au chaud, dans la bibliothèque !!

bisous2 Merci


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Dim 29 Nov 2009 - 17:24

Ivy, tu pourrais voir si tu peux faire comme avec les Mercy Thompson?
Tu sais, le lien pour le premiers chapitres? S'il tôôô plaiiiit?


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Ivy Dim 29 Nov 2009 - 17:44

J'ai trouvé le chapitre 1 en VO seulement :

Chapter One

“Get outta my way, you old bat,” I muttered under my breath as an elderly woman who shouldn’t have been driving a golf cart much less a Lincoln Town Car at this time of night putt-putted down the street in front of me, her blinker announcing she meant to make a right turn sometime before she reached the ocean.

“Are we a little testy to night, Lucille?” Lucille Robinson is my usual cover and my alter ego: a gracious, sweet girl who always knows the right thing to say. Vayl invokes her when I step out of line. I nearly flipped him off, but since he’s still got one foot mired in the 1700s, I thought better of it and stuck my tongue out at him instead. I wasn’t sure he’d see me making faces at him in the rearview, but of course Vayl sees everything. I realized I’d come to count on that as much as I sought his approval which, at the moment, had ditched me.

“Do not be distracted by menial events,” he reminded me in his stern baritone. “We have a job to do.”

“But if you’d just let me ram this old biddy into the next electric pole I’d feel much better.”

“You would not.”

I sighed. Six months. Scary how much Vayl had learned about me in such a short span. In my defense, given time he could worm the true ages out of the entire cast of Desperate Housewives. Still, the only living person who knew more about me was my sister, Evie, and she was just that nosy.

“It’s New Year’s Eve for chrissake,” I grumbled. “There’s supposed to be snow on the ground. It’s supposed to be freezing.” I guess the natives of Miami would’ve disagreed. And to be honest, all those palm trees would’ve sent me skipping around in circles if I’d been on vacation. But we Midwesterners have a thing about winter holidays and snow, and this year I had yet to experience either one.

Vayl went still, a sight that will creep you out big-time if you’ve never seen it before. He sort of resembles a statue anyway, as if da Vinci had chiseled his square forehead, high cheekbones, and long, straight nose from smooth, pale stone. His curly black hair was cut so short that right now I’d almost swear someone had painted it on. The temperature inside our silver Lexus suddenly dropped ten degrees. A breeze ruffled my red curls, playing them across my shoulders as if they were harp strings.

“You make it snow inside this car and I swear I’m going to park your butt in the middle of the next retirement village we come to and take the first plane I can find back to Ohio,” I warned him.

Strange to think of Ohio as a base for any operation more dangerous than cataract surgery. But that’s why we’re still doing the government’s business. Of course, people know we kill bad guys. They just don’t want the gory details. But if you asked them in a dark room where their neighbors couldn’t hear, they’d tell you we’re not nearly as proactive as they’d like. Witches, vamps, weres . . . some would vote to throw them all on a gigantic bonfire and have done. But there’s good sorts among those others who have earned — and deserve — the same rights and protections we humans get.

Vayl is one of them. And after six months of partnership, I was glad I hadn’t pulled a diva and stomped out of Pete’s office when he’d suggested our pairing. We’d clicked like checkers from the start. At this point I couldn’t imagine working without him. But he did have his eccentricities. And, okay, some of those quirks made me want to dangle him from the Terminal Tower from time to time. His intense interest in my so-called Gifts. The fact that he’d flunked out of the School of Positive Reinforcement. And especially his adept avoidance of any subject related to the why of our hookup sometimes annoyed the hell out of me.

He sort of came alive again, catching me off guard, as it would if, say, I was strolling through a botanical garden and the cherub in the fountain suddenly started flapping its wings. He sat forward, his smile just a twitch of the lips.

“How can you miss your sleepy little state when I have brought you to one of the most exotic spots on earth?”

“Okay, I know you’re too old to be taking lessons from a young punk like me —”

“Jasmine” — (he pronounced it Yaz-mee-na, which gave me the biggest thrill, though I’d never let on) — “while I agree that twenty-five is quite young, you can hardly call yourself a ‘punk.’ ”

Yeah, but nutcase is just too close to the truth. “Dammit, you old fart, would you turn right already!” The white-haired wonder leading what had to, by now, be a blocks-long parade must’ve turned on her hearing aid. Because she finally pulled into the United Methodist Church parking lot, praise God, leaving the rest of us free to party until some other octogenarian found it necessary to take to the streets after dark. In Ohio, old folks know better than to drive at night. Yet another reason Cleveland rocks.

We drove straight to our very old, very exclusive hotel. Called Diamond Suites, it towered above the pink stucco wall that surrounded it and its gardens, rising nearly twelve stories before reaching its peak with a steep, red tile roof. The windows all wore black metal bars, decoratively scrolled top and bottom. The gated parking lot required a key card for entry. We’d retrieved ours along with the car we now drove, part of the privacy policy with which Diamond Suites attracts its reclusive, generally famous, clientele.

Vayl’s eyes were the icy blue of an Alaskan husky as he took in every detail of the scene before him, his brain cataloging it for future reference. Parking lot full of high-end rentals. Check. Automatic, key-card entry door with bulletproof glass. Check. Lobby full of complimentary goodies from fluffy white towels to imported shampoos, all graciously displayed on the shelves of antique armoires. Check. Not a single soul in sight. Excellent.

His hands full of bags, Vayl leaned over and whispered, “According to legend this inn is haunted.”

I snorted. An unladylike habit, I know, but one which, like swearing, has its place. “Probably your old poker buddies waiting around to even the score.” This was not as far-fetched as it sounded. Rumor had it Vayl had won his cane and his first gold mine in a game of five-card stud.

Vayl’s lips twitched again. Not for the first time I thought, If he ever truly smiles his face is going to shatter. But I tried not to think it too loud. On the plane he’d overheard the flight attendants discussing the pilot’s stun gun from the back of the plane as he sat beside me in the front row. A man with that kind of ability only needs to listen slightly harder to hear my harsh thoughts.

Vayl had reserved the penthouse, so we took elevator 6A to twelve. At that point I did a little soft-shoe — the semiclaustrophobic’s version of the I-gotta-pee dance — until Vayl figured out which way to slip our key card into the metal slot on the elevator’s control panel so the door would open. After I’d leaped out and regained a somewhat steady pulse, I took stock. We stood in a small enclosed entryway decorated with a massive flowery mural that involved all four walls, including the elevator doors, and half of the ceiling. Tiles in the pastel pink so common to Florida covered the floor.

I wrinkled my nose at the color. Something about pink makes my stomach churn. Maybe it’s the resemblance to Pepto-Bismol. Personally, my taste runs toward bolder colors. That’s why I currently wore an emerald-green silk shirt under my black jacket. Unlike Vayl’s coat, which reached his knees and looked like it could comfortably hide a shotgun, or a sword, or possibly a small pony, mine stopped just below my waist and, because it had been tailored to mask my shoulder holster, fit superbly. My black slacks felt a little loose, probably because I’d missed lunch all month. And since the Weather Channel had warned of a cold spell hitting Florida at the same time we did, I’d worn my
new boots. Hopefully they’d hold up longer than the last pair, which had fallen apart the first time I’d stepped in a puddle of blood.

I tugged my trunk through a set of white French doors that opened into a sunken living room furnished with flowered couches and chairs, glass tables, and Pepto-pink carpeting. On the opposite end of the room, next to ceiling-to-floor curtains in Elvis velvet, sat a bigger glass table surrounded by chairs. I noticed it mainly because the chairs had rollers, which keyed a memory from my childhood.

My brother, sister, and I were staying with our Granny May at her farm for the summer. Her kitchen chairs had wheels, so we spent part of each day either pushing each other around the room or having spinning contests to see who fell off first. Good times. I felt a throb of homesickness for those few golden moments when my sibs and I were friends, teammates, and coconspirators. Why couldn’t it have lasted forever?

“Never mind,” I whispered. “It’s over now. Move on. Move on. Move on.” I caught myself in the litany and clamped my lips shut, imprisoning the words before they could betray me.

Still carrying a suitcase, our laptop, his garment bag, and cane, Vayl strolled into the room and took inventory. His eyes rested momentarily on a cut-glass vase full of white orchids and moved on to a silver bucket filled with ice and a bottle of champagne.

“Nice,” he said, nodding with approval.

“Yeah, it’s uh” — I struggled to put some of the expected enthusiasm into my voice — “grrreat!” I skirted the rim of the living room bowl, rolling my trunk after me. I liked it because it looked the way I felt most of the time, battered and old. Right now it appeared sorely out of place, and if the furniture could talk I was sure it would shame my low-class luggage right out of the building. The pack on my back wouldn’t score any points either. Despite the fact that it dressed in basic black, it too had seen better days. But it worked, carry ing my weapons in well-padded pockets along with my ammunition and cleaning cases. So rather than run to the nearest Motel 6, I just kept walking, taking my most treasured possessions toward another set of French doors to my left, which no doubt led to a grossly sumptuous bedroom.

“Come now, Jasmine,” Vayl chided me. Already across the room, he set the laptop on the table and moved to the curtains, which I expected him to stroke like a pet panther. Instead he flicked them back, peered out the window. Satisfied, he looked over his shoulder at me. “I bring you to the most exclusive hotel in Florida and the only reaction I get is your Tony the Tiger impression?”

I felt like slumping against the wall, at which point I would bang my head repeatedly until I passed out. But no, the bell had dinged, forcing me back into the ring for Round Fourteen of the Never-Ending Battle. Nope, no blows traded, damn it all. Our struggle was just a continuous conversation during which Vayl tried to figure out how I’d grown to adulthood without acquiring the slightest refinement, and I continued to be baffled that a man old enough to remember when bathrooms were windowless shacks built above deep stinkin’ holes could be fooled into thinking that ugly flowers and crappy-tasting liquor meant something.

“Look, Vayl, we’ve got a really big night ahead of us. Can’t we just agree that I’m a cretin and you’re a snob and move on?”

For a minute I thought he was having convulsions. Then I realized he was laughing. Depositing his stuff on an end table, he collapsed on the nearest couch and heaved with barely suppressed merriment. He looked . . . Now, why would the word “yummy” come to mind? Under his coat he wore a dark blue sweater that hugged his torso as if they’d been reunited after a long separation. On the plane he’d mentioned his gray slacks had been tailored by a guy named Nigel Clay who spoke with a lisp and sewed like a savant. His shiny black shoes had come straight off the shelf — in Italy. Since he’d assumed the identity of a high-end antiques dealer named Jeremy Bhane, his elegance was called for. It baffled me that such a thing could come so naturally. Or that I should find it so . . . delectable.

What is the deal with these food metaphors, girl? I asked myself. Miss too many entrées, did you? Or are you hungry for something a little more — no, no, no, don’t you dare go there. For damn sure not with your badass vampire bossman. He could never replace Matt anyway. No one could.



“Are you all right? You suddenly look . . . haunted.”

“Oh, yeah. I mean, no.” Short, fake laugh while I fished for something to say. “I was just wondering why you don’t smile more. And I thought maybe it’s because your fangs would show.”

“Would that bother you?” he asked sharply.

“Not at all. We had two vamps on my Helsinger crew. Stellar people.” Now dead, dead, dead . . . Feeling a guilty sort of pride that I’d been able to say that last bit without breaking down, I opened the bedroom door. Surprise, surprise, it had a huge round bed with a fuscia duvet and a mirrored headboard. I’d call the carpeting a nauseating mix of Pepto-pink and cherry-flavored NyQuil. I liked the Whirlpool tub in the next room though, and the shower was big enough for me and the cutest six guys I could round up on short notice.

“I suppose you find this room a bit over the top,” said Vayl, making me jump and squeal.

“What is the deal with you to night?” And how come you keep showing up just when I’m trying not to think of how long it’s been since I’ve had sex?

He shrugged. “I am, how do you say, feeling my oats, perhaps?” He’d let a trace of his original accent creep into his voice. His left eyebrow moved upward a couple of notches. I forgot to breathe as I wondered just how many women had lost themselves in those emerald-green eyes. Over nearly three hundred years? Don’t make me laugh. And don’t think about him that way anymore. You’re his assistant. Period.

I sighed, feeling a whole new level of bummed. “Well, I’m not. I was supposed to hang out with my sister to night, not hop a flight to Miami. She’s already mad that I missed Christmas, and if this trip triggers her labor I’m never forgiving myself. Or you. So can we just start the briefing? The quicker this is over the faster I can crawl home.” And grovel. At the knees of my kid sister. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

He checked his pocket watch. “All right,” he said. “The party is in two hours and, knowing women as I do, it will probably take you at least half that time just to get dressed.”

I knew Vayl wasn’t complaining, but since I already felt vulnerable, the comment cut me. And when I bleed, I get pissed. It’s like he’s implying a tough girl like me needs a miracle to transform herself into a beautiful lady and, as we all know, miracles take time. What an ass!

His touch, bare fingertips on my cheek, startled me. I could tell by his feverish warmth that he’d eaten when he woke at sunset. The decent vamps, the ones who were trying to blend, all fed without killing. Many had willing donors. Others bought their blood from one of two government-licensed suppliers. More would likely pop up as vamps like Vayl made obvious the advantages of integration.

He said, “I have offended you.”

“Actually, yeah, you have.” I shook my head to dislodge his hand. It felt a little too . . . nice. “It’s okay, though,” I said, my anger deflating somewhat in response to his stricken expression. “People ought to be able to point out the truth, or at least give it a nod on the way past without other people getting all freaked out about it.”

“I have no idea what you just said.”

“Good. Now, let me unpack and I’ll meet you in the pit, um, living room in five minutes.”

He left me alone to empty my trunk. I didn’t. I sat on the bed, fished a pack of cards out of my bag, and began to mix them. Blend, bend, bridge, over and over I shuffled the dog-eared pack until Evie’s tears, my ghosts, Vayl’s unintended insult, and the immense suckage of the holidays, which I’d spent equally between blacking out and melting down, receded beneath the steady thrum of the cards.

Vayl had already draped himself across one of the couches by the time I came into the living room. All he needed was an ivy crown and some half-dressed bimbo fanning him with palm fronds between bites of grapes and he’d have been a dead ringer for a gorgeous Julius Caesar. Aw, who was I kidding? He’d probably palled around with the man before Cleopatra showed up and ruined all their fun. I sank down on the couch opposite him, curling my feet underneath me. “Getting into character?”

“We are going to a five-thousand-dollar-a-plate charity dinner/dance. Our target has invited only the crème de la crème of society. He will expect both of us to behave with a certain amount of savoir faire.”

“Let me see if I can translate your bullshit, um, I mean French. We’re supposed to be a couple of big spenders?”

“Yes,” he replied, raising his eyebrow a disapproving tick at my language.

“So who’s the target?”

“A plastic surgeon of Pakistani origin. His name is Mohammed Khad Abn-Assan and he has either lifted, tucked, or liposuctioned half of Hollywood. I understand several of his celebrity clients will be there to night.”

“And here I left my autograph book in my other purse. So what’s the charity?”

“It is called New Start. It brings in millions of dollars a year, allegedly to pay for reconstructive surgery for child victims of disfiguring accidents.”

“Cool. Only I’m guessing the kids will never see a dime.”

“That is highly doubtful when you consider the fact that Assan is diverting most of those funds into the Sons of Paradise.”

“Whoa, hang on just a second. The Sons of Paradise? Are you telling me we’re going to hit a financial bastion of the most extreme of the extremist terrorist groups?” Vayl nodded. “Awesome!” Those assholes will be dining on sand and pisswater by the time we’re finished with Dr. Bankroller.

Perhaps my delight could be explained by the fact that the Sons of Paradise had, among its most recent atrocities, blown an army Pave Hawk out of the sky over Burma, murdered its five-member crew, and released the footage of how they’d mutilated the bodies to the entire world. Referred to by journalists as the “Mother of All Cults,” Sons of Paradise members worshipped a mythical creature called the Tor-al-Degan, which, as a chaos beast, didn’t have a face or a place to call home. But the Deganites didn’t seem to need statues or heaven. Just an excuse to vent their hate and havoc.

“But you said they’re only getting most of the money. Why not all of it?”

Vayl’s eyes hardened, black obsidian even the most penetrating stare couldn’t break. “Sources say he uses the rest to perform surgery on members of the organization who cannot afford to look like their Most Wanted posters anymore.”

That got my motor running. “What a creep.”

“The world is full of them.”

“You’re telling me. It’s good there’s people like us around to balance things out.”

“What is this optimistic talk I hear coming from your mouth?” Vayl asked. “Are you Jasmine’s evil clone, come to lull me into fluffy white thoughts so you can stake me in my sleep?”

“At best your thoughts are pink. Kind of like this carpet.” Vayl’s eyes lightened suddenly, a trait that will make you do a double take if you’re not used to it. The vamps I’d known before him didn’t have that particular ability, but then it wasn’t really fair to compare. Vamps have their individual gifts and weaknesses, just like humans. The one sitting across from me, for instance, wore his eighty-odd-years’ string of successful missions like a mantle. He had infiltrated the most exclusive factions, beaten the highest tech security systems, faced the most powerful supernatural forces ever seen on earth and won. So why did he need me? I really should have a clue after six months, shouldn’t I? Well, shouldn’t I?

“Anything else you want to tell me?” I asked

“Assan has never before been more than a link in a chain. How do you say . . . a yes man. But he has suddenly gained great power within the Sons of Paradise. We understand he has brought them a new ally, one with the money and clout to rock this country to its core. There is not much chatter about this person, but when you listen to the whispers, you hear scary things.”

“You mean scarier than usual things?”

Vayl nodded. “This ally brings more than financial backing. He brings others, from nests, covens, and packs.”

Uh-oh. Cinch your seatbelt, Jaz. Things are about to get bumpy. “That sounds like the Raptor.” Only the Raptor had been able to make such traditionally quarrelsome sects cooperate long enough to work together toward any common goal.

“Precisely. Thus our mission tonight is to case Assan’s home, mark his security arrangements, and return in the wee hours of the morning. We will remove Assan from the premises, interrogate him back at Diamond Suites, and then terminate him.” Well didn’t that just shine a whole new light on this job? If we could stick it to the Sons of Paradise and make Assan identify the Raptor, maybe give us a location, we’d be rockin’.

The Raptor had been our department’s number-one target for nearly a decade, as more and more evidence had surfaced against him. His lethal mix of charisma and savagery had raised him high among the ranks of the Vampere from the start. But apparently vampire domination hadn’t been enough. He’d learned to consolidate power globally, accepting fealty oaths from a dozen large U.S. nests, two covens of black witches in Scotland, and several packs of Spanish weres. His tactics were brutal, his intentions vicious.

Vayl ran his fingers across the black cane that lay beside him on the couch. A museum piece, it had been hand carved in India and had inspired almost as many whispers around the office as its owner. A procession of intricately detailed tigers marched around the leg of the cane up to a gold band, which separated it from the multifaceted blue jewel that topped it. When you twisted the head, the tigers shot away from it, revealing a hand-hammered sword whose maker had been dust for centuries. It was unusual for Vayl to carry it with him here, where he should’ve felt safe. Where I’d felt pretty cozy myself. I sat up straighter and looked around the room.

“What aren’t you telling me?” I demanded.

“We are going to have to be extremely careful. While we believe the Raptor to be Assan’s new puppet master, we think there is also at least one U.S. government official dancing from the same strings. This is no simple hit, Jasmine, far from it. And . . .”


Vayl shook his head. “Just keep your eyes and ears open. Something about this feels . . . wrong.”

And that was really saying something, coming from the CIA’s number-one assassin
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Féminin Messages : 23450
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Normandie, 76
Humeur : Joyeuse et positive :)

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Dim 29 Nov 2009 - 17:57

Merciiiiiiiiiii!!! adoration T'es la meilleure! Je vais le traduire de ce pas!!


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Ivy Lun 30 Nov 2009 - 15:51

De rien sourire
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Admin fondateur

Féminin Messages : 23450
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Normandie, 76
Humeur : Joyeuse et positive :)

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Mar 23 Fév 2010 - 0:46

J'ai lu ce tome cet ete, et je l'ai trouvé vraiment pas mal. Certes, il ne fait pas parti de mes favoris, mais je le trouve tres bien ecrit, et l'histoire est passionante. Jaz est tres attachante, surtout quand on connais son passe. Et Vayl, affraid , rrrr je l'aime bien lui! :lol!: mais chut!!!!


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Ivy Mar 23 Fév 2010 - 1:10

J'adore les Jaz Park, le deuxième est meilleur que le premier. J'ai pas encore lu le troisième tome mais il est dans ma pile Happy
Et on est d'accord sur Vayl Bave jumpy
Admin fondateur
Admin fondateur

Féminin Messages : 23450
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Normandie, 76
Humeur : Joyeuse et positive :)

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Mar 23 Fév 2010 - 1:24

Moi, je n'ai pas encore lu le 2° tome, mais bientot!!! :miam: lol


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Ivy Mar 23 Fév 2010 - 1:26

Admin fondateur
Admin fondateur

Féminin Messages : 23450
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Normandie, 76
Humeur : Joyeuse et positive :)

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Mar 23 Fév 2010 - 1:35

Pour ce qu'il y avait dans on spoilers, malheurement, je le savais deja!


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Ivy Mar 23 Fév 2010 - 1:39

Siriona a écrit:Pour ce qu'il y avait dans on spoilers, malheurement, je le savais deja!

Admin fondateur
Admin fondateur

Féminin Messages : 23450
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Normandie, 76
Humeur : Joyeuse et positive :)

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Mar 23 Fév 2010 - 1:42

Tu as bien raison. C'est vraiment ce qui fait le charme de cette serie. Mais j'en peux plus d'attendre!!! Si au moins je savais dans quel livrre!!! jumpy


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Invité Dim 28 Fév 2010 - 22:08

Moi, je peux te le dire:

Je les ai lus en anglais, donc ce n'est peut-être pas la bonne signification.


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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

Message par Ivy Dim 28 Fév 2010 - 22:13

Coucou Kay sourire. Intéressant tes spoilers...

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Admin fondateur

Féminin Messages : 23450
Date d'inscription : 08/10/2009
Age : 38
Localisation : Normandie, 76
Humeur : Joyeuse et positive :)

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[Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts Empty Re: [Rardin, Jennifer] Jaz Parks - tome 1 : jaz parks s'en mord les doigts

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